Clinic on Monday morning for both girls! BRIGHT and EARLY! Ashlee is concerned she is going to be late for school! ( I am kinda concerned too since it is picture day! Grrr...) Hopefully we can get her there on time for pics! Hoping for weight for both of them! Ashlee has been having issues drinking her Boosts, so not too convinced there :o( Hope Jordin has gained a little despite being sick! STILL waiting on insurance approval for Jordin's new tube formula...don't know WHY it has to take so long or WHAT I could do to make it happen faster.
SO many of my FB friends are having issues w/ their CF right now. I hope for the best for all of them, including Skye (many issues like Jordin), Eve (had a lobectomy at age 4 and is sick again), and Jordan(22 years old waiting for a 2nd double lung transplant and not doing so well with waiting so long). I am so happy to have met these people, even if it is just through internet. The list goes on and on though... It is scary what we have to go through. Just when I think WE have it bad...I look at these moms of these children and can't even imagine being in their shoes. Please keep them all in your prayers :o)
Hoping for a good clinic visit for us on Monday!!! Just wanted to slip in a quick update!